April 1, 2009

Night Shot

My first night pic to come out half way decent!
Taken for a photography class assignment.

This is our Electric Company Substation in town. My hope was to try for a cityscape, but living in a small town, this was about as city as I was going to get for the night.

Aside from all the mind blowing things to tweek for a perfect photo, aperture, lighting, speed, ISO, white balance, composition, yaada yadda yadda, my thoughts kept going back to what passerbyer's (hmmmm....is that a real word!?) might be thinking as I patiently sit waiting for that "golden moment" when the lighting is just, you know, perfect!
In this day an age of terrorism and suspicion, one never really knows the thoughts or intentions of another.
So with that lovely thought in mind I tried to be more obvious in my activity as to not appear suspect with a ready excuse of blaming my photography teacher should an explanation be necessary!

Oh, and for the record, I know I know, I really blew the "rule of thirds" on this one, but, geeeeeeezzzz, there's just so much a brain can handle at one time! LOL!


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