March 1, 2009

And we're off........

So the much anticipated day arrived....... I was super excited about the Gasparilla 5K race....hubby spent 2 days trying to conjure up ways to get out of it! But being the great sport that he is we headed to Tampa at 6 in the morning yesterday!
Our first stop....(and I only mention this because I was quite amazed at what we discovered) was MCDonalds for a quickie "energy" like greasy deep fried hash browns to get the body rev'd up!
And though it's been a long time since I've been inside a Mikey D's, this one was quite impressive.
The place was immaculate. The floors were covered in beautiful faux wood tiles, stylish green covered booths, comfy sitting chair areas like you see in popular coffee shops, classy looking light fixtures, and rich brick lining the walls which displayed beautiful rain forest photographs. And the bathroom.......beautiful granite counters and lovely amenities of silky lotion soaps and wonderfully smelling hand cream.
The staff were decked out in professional looking suit type attire all crisp and styling.
And as much as I wanted to, I think I would have really been pushing my luck with hubby if I had gone as far as to photograph them too.......As it were I think he was trying to look like he wasn't my other half as I walked around snapping pictures of all the cool additions to this little "hamburger joint"


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